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- TMM #006: Run it Back ⏮
TMM #006: Run it Back ⏮
Rewind, recap, and roll on🤘

Gif by miamiheat
Hey friends, and welcome back!
2 weeks ago I probably surprised many of you when I reached out to let you know about the new community I’ve started, called the Keys Collective. It’s designed to help keyboard players grow their skills. We’ve had a great first 2 weeks and we’re just getting started. Also, it’s not too late to join us if you want to begin learning to play the piano, or brush up on your skills.
During that quick launch, I also promised to continue writing this newsletter. I thought we should start by finishing up our last series where we were learning how to build powerfully dynamic setlists!
So we’re kicking it back off by doing a little rewind & recap before we continue rolling on with this series. You don’t want to miss this because it’s super foundational, yet so few musicians and bands take the time to learn this because they don’t realize the impact. When you do this well, it can help you gain confidence as you take the stage knowing you’ve put time into this intentionally thoughtful setlist.
In the first newsletter, TMM #001: An Introduction - you were challenged to spend 5-10 minutes playing your instrument (voice, piano, guitar, etc.) and if you haven’t done that yet, it’s not too late. Start this week! Nothing massive, just 5 minutes for yourself to sit down and play. It’s Summer, I bet you can find a few minutes at the end of your day to unwind and sing or play.
In the next post, TMM #002: What’s your Number? - we talked about how to give the songs in your setlist an energy or moment rating based on a scale from 1-5. We called this The Setlist Number System and honestly, this where things start getting good.
TMM #003: Hello, My Name Is… where I shared one of the best ways to start your next show or service. If you’re someone who spends any amount of time on stage then you’ll want to read through this one. You owe it to your congregation & audience to understand how to serve them well 🙌
TMM #004: the Secret has been in Plain Sight 👀 - in this post I built on the foundation of the previous post, and together we explored the secrets to creating memorable moments when pulling your songs together. Doing this in the right way helps evoke powerful memories and emotional connections for those in attendance. I can’t underscore enough how much this skill will open doors for you again & again.
In the next newsletter we’re going to discuss the most important rule within this system. It’s seriously THE. MOST. IMPORTANT rule that you truly CANNOT BREAK!
My challenge for you is to make a list of moments you could begin creating for your upcoming services & shows. I’d love to hear from you, so send me an idea or two that you’re considering and I’ll be happy to provide feedback – seriously! It’s so fun when you take the time to plan these moments out and I’d love to be a resource for you.
One quick thought before I close this out… have you ever had a fun moment in your set? If not, what could you do to create this during your next service or show? Hit reply and tell me what you’d do and I’ll be glad to share too.
Have a wonderful week of creating memories and moments with those around you and thanks for being here – I sincerely appreciate you!
Dan “Setlists can be fun” White
See you again next week! 👋
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1. Interested in FREE piano lessons or know someone who would be? Signup here to get started! Additionally, I'll share weekly actionable advice to enhance your music skills + elevate your musical journey! 🙌
2. Work with me 1:1 to build out your personalized plan for achieving your musical goals!