Hidden 2-5-1s: The Chord Progression Hack You've Been Missing

The Key to Effortless Passing Chords

I was a drummer, lost in a sea of complex chord changes. The keyboardist's fingers danced effortlessly, weaving harmonic magic for our gospel choir and I couldn't comprehend what he was doing. I mean, I played a bit of keyboard, but not in the way he made it come alive. How was he coming up with all these chords that weren't listed on the chord chart?

Then I discovered one of his secrets: the 7-3-6-2-5-1-4 formula. What I didn't realize at the time (but am going to reveal to you now so you don't waste any more time) is this... it contains hidden 2-5-1 progressions!

Here's the game-changer:

  1. Start with 7-3-6-2-5-1-4 as your foundation.

  2. Recognize that any three consecutive numbers form a 2-5-1.

  3. Use this to create powerful passing chord movements to your target chord.

Example in C major:

  • Want to land on 6 (Am)? Use 7-3-6 (Bø7 - E - Am7)

  • Aiming for a 2 chord (Dm)? Use 3-6-2 (Em - Am - Dm)

But here's where it gets spicy. Let's enhance that 3-6-2 with what we learned last week about borrowing from other keys:
Standard: Em - Am - Dm
Enhanced: E/G# - A7 - Dm

This isn't just theory. It's a real-world tool that's helped me on countless gigs.

Why this works:

  1. Flexibility: Move backward 1 or 2 steps for instant passing chords.

  2. Creativity: Substitute chords within the framework for endless variety.

  3. Spontaneity: React in real-time, keeping your playing fresh.

The power lies in recognition. See the hidden 2-5-1s everywhere in the 7-3-6-2-5-1-4 sequence.

Don't just memorize. Internalize. Experiment. Make it yours.

This approach isn't about rules. It's about freedom. Musical storytelling. Finding your voice and sound.

Challenge: Find these hidden 2-5-1s in your favorite progressions this week. Push boundaries. Discover new sounds.

Remember: Great musicians aren't born. They're made through relentless curiosity and practice.

Now go make some noise.


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